In California, Child Support Payments Don’t Always Automatically Stop When the Child Turns 18

Child Support in California

In California, child support becomes an issue when parents of a minor child become divorced, legally separated or an action to establish a financial obligation is made between unmarried parents. Under California law, both parents are responsible for the financial stability of their minor children. The judgment will state when the child support obligation will end. The typical termination date is as follows:

The child has reached the age of majority – when the child has turned 18 and has graduated from high school, support can continue past 18 if they are still in school,
The minor […]

California Real ID: Residents Forced to Legally Change Their Name

Were you one of the 3.1 million Californians who have already obtained a California Real ID? Whether you are or are not, you should pay close attention – according to the Department of Homeland Security, the application process for obtaining a California Real ID was incorrectly conducted by the California Department of Motor Vehicles. So what does this mean for you? For starters, if you have already obtained a California Real ID, you will need to supplement your already submitted, (and approved), application with additionally required documents. If this is your first time applying for a Real ID, however, being […]


What is a living trust amendment and do you need one? A living trust amendment is a document signed by the trustee(s) in front of a notary public that revises certain parts of the original living trust, but leaves the remainder of the living trust in full force and effect. […]


There are so many reasons people want to help keep their loved ones out of probate court. The expenses, the public nature of the process, from the newspaper publication, the documents open for anyone to see at the courthouse and the courtroom hearings are the main reasons. Then there is the length of time it takes to go through it. Well, that time it takes to get through the probate process just got extended in more ways than one.

When the petition for probate is initially filed, the first hearing should be set for approximately 30 days ahead. A long time […]

How Much Does the California Court Charge for Process Serving Documents

With almost every court proceeding in California, documents need to be served on the other party(ies) after they are filed with the court clerk. The California Courts website describes in depth more about the process serve and the requirements to complete it here. The most common type of process serve complete is known as a “Personal Serve”, in which someone physically hands the filed court documents to the other party. That person who gives the documents to the other party completes, signs and files the Proof of Service as verification with the court clerk.

So how much does the court charge […]